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Course Content
The content covered in the
programme provides students
with a broad base of skills,
and just as importantly the
confdence, to act effectively when
children have been abused and
to intervene early when a child is
at risk.
The programme is divided into
four major sections which cover
the following:
1. Understanding the nature
and causes of child abuse
An introduction to child abuse,
providing defnitions and
examples. It looks at New
Zealand’s changing views towards
child abuse and explores some of
the possible factors that can lead
to children being abused.
This module encourages
participants to identify situations
that may put children at risk. It
also considers child abuse in
the wider context of institutions,
society, and the impact of culture.
2. Understanding the effects and
symptoms of child abuse
This is an emotionally challenging
module. The signs and symptoms
of all types of child abuse will
be described and illustrated.
The module examines how child
abuse affects children and their
families and the legacy it leaves.
3. Recognising and responding
to child abuse
This module looks at a wide range
of behaviours to help participants
to determine which behaviours
are acceptable and which are
abusive. They will identify which
situations should be checked
out and appreciate the danger of
making assumptions. Participants
will examine their own judgments
and personal reactions.
This module also covers the
steps to be taken to ensure a
child is safe, and the need for the
concerned person to involve other
people. It stresses the importance
of reporting, the consequences of
not reporting and provides ways
of recording information in order
to make the decision to report.
Participants will examine the
legal implications of reporting
child abuse, and the statutory
Child Protection Studies Programme continued...